Product to attack, penetrate and dissolve heavy oil contamination, grease, petrochemical compounds and light carbonaceous deposits, which are accumulated in oil coolers, preheated double bottoms, bilges, deep tanks.
Product to attack, penetrate and dissolve heavy oil contamination, grease, petrochemical compounds and light carbonaceous deposits, which are accumulated in oil coolers, preheated double bottoms, bilges, deep tanks.
Microemulsion water based tank cleaner. Low toxic and biodegradable.
TANK WASH S can be used diluted or neat for cleaning cargo tanks, deep tanks, and bilges.
Quick separating degreaser is a superior solvent emulsifying detergent for general engine room degreasing and for cleaning and gas freeing of bilges
Specially formulated blend of surfactants, solvents and acids designed to remove carbonaceous and varnish deposits from lube and fuel oil separator discs.
This product is based on a mixture of aliphatic and chlorinated aromatic hydrocarbons, and anionic surface active agents. It is used for the removal of partially carbonized oils using a circulation method.
Product formulated to leave a thin, temporary film on cargo hold surfaces